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Invisalign Treatable Cases

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To determine if your case is treatable with Invisalign, our Comox dentists will complete a thorough assessment of your teeth, gums, jaw and bite.

This service is temporarily unavailable at this location. Please contact us with any questions.

What types of issues can be treated with Invisalign?

Invisalign can treat a variety of misalignment and malocclusion cases.

Invisalign Smile Assessment, Comox Valley Dental Centre

Request An Invisalign Appointment

The Invisalign Assessment Process

Medical History Review & Oral Examination

Your dentist will begin by reviewing your medical and dental history and records to help determine if Invisalign is a suitable treatment option for you.

Next, your dentist will perform an oral examination to identify any issues that may not have been apparent in your dental records. This process will include:

  • A physical examination of your teeth and gums
  • Dental impressions
  • X-ray imaging

Treatment Plan Discussion & Getting Started

Based on your medical history and oral exam, your dentist will determine if Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment option for you.

If you are a candidate for Invisalign, your dentist will discuss the details of your treatment plan with you, including your role in the process, the expected duration of your treatment, and any questions you have.

Next, you will schedule your first treatment appointment! The initial fitting for your aligners may take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, so make the appointment with that timeline in mind.

Looking for a healthy smile? Contact the Comox Valley Dental team today!

(250) 339-9848